Cradle Welfare Organization +92-345-3073052
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To work for human development and mark a prosperous and healthy society.


We are totally committed to serving the well-being of society with an energetic team. With highly trained professionals and the latest methodologies, CWO delivers advanced and organized multi-dimensional knowledge and health facilities for the long-term benefit of deprived persons without any discrimination. Our values, standards, and determination maintain our patrons' and donors’ confidence in us, leading to optimistic and sound growth. CWO is committed to conducting all activities ethically and professionally, respecting the rights of employees and all citizens.


  • No salary and perks to be drawn by executive members.
  • No benefit will be awarded to blood relatives of the member.
  • Utilization of own resources for transportation and communication by executive members.
  • 2/3rd majority required to pass a resolution.
  • Weekly/Biweekly Management Review Meeting and Quarterly Board Meeting.
  • Hierarchy Matrix: Horizontal Matrix.
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